UTP Student Clubs & Societies
In Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, student-activity is an important aspect of university life. Student organizations -which consists of clubs and societies help in enhancing our social life in the campus while promoting the well-being of students. Centre for Student Development (CSD) with Student Representative Council (SRCUTP) specifically Student Development Division members will support the development of clubs and societies on our campus to increase the number of student activities and events throughout the year. SRCUTP and CSD will also assist the students in establishing and managing the clubs and societies in UTP.
In Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Clubs & Societies are divided into 8 Cluster :-
With more than 80 clubs and societies in UTP, we aspire for UTP's student to gain their best experience here while developing them to produce well rounded global graduates.
Click here for UTP Student Club & Society Directories
Contact Person
Shazrul Hazwan Bin Roslan
Tel: +605-368 8552
Email: shazrul.roslan@utp.edu.my
Student Representative Council